The gray squirrel eats mostly acorns, but feeds on other nuts and seeds and in the spring, new leaf buds. The squirrels live in tree cavities or in a nest of twigs, bark and leaves built far out on the branch of a large tree. They can be seen looking for food in trees or burying nuts in the ground during the day. It does not hibernate in the winter as do some ground squirrels. Most of the squirrels we see here are fox squirrels. They originated on the East coast and were imported here. Gray squirrels are native to our area, but have been driven out for the most part by the more aggressive fox squirrels.
This little guy was brought to us from the Pt. Dume area of Malibu. He was very dehydrated and weak. He receives feedings every 4 hours and is doing well with them. We'll keep you posted on his progress!