The western grey was considered one of the most abundant mammals in the northwest in the 1920s, but by the 1930s an epidemic outbreak of mange decimated many populations in Washington. While the eastern grey and the eastern fox squirrels are capable of producing more offspring in times of abundance to compensate for population loss in lean times, the western grey appears unable to do so, thus limiting its ability to rebound from low populations. Additionally, unlike its eastern cousins, which breed twice a year, the western grey has one litter a year, with between three and five young per litter.
They are shy squirrels, who are dependent upon older mixed forests with a variety of oak and pine or oak and fir trees with interconnected tree canopies for food, cover, nesting sites, and arboreal travel. These squirrels generally nest in the top third of larger trees, building leaf and twig nests called drays, which they line with lichen, moss and bark shavings. They often build more than one nest, and alternate among them.
Favorite foods are pine nuts, acorns, nuts, berries, fungi, green vegetation and insects. The animals are generally non-territorial, but show a dominance hierarchy at food sites.
Western grays are a federal Species of Concern, but are not listed as threatened or endangered. Oregon considers them a State Sensitive Species, and Washington state considers them State Threatened. They are still hunted in California and Oregon. Conservation groups in Washington state have petitioned the federal government to provide an emergency listing for this species. Only time will tell whether these efforts will be sufficient to preserve this squirrel.
These two little guys experienced a bad fall from their nest and were brought in for our help. Months later, they are being released back into the wild. Enjoy!